Shrink Our Bills

Whether you are moving or just reviewing, let me help you with the choosing.


There is a consultation document from Ofgem circulating with the results being announced early February.    As a result it may be that suppliers will be asked to offer a tariff that does not have standing charges.   The unit rate will be higher, so it is a case of wait and see and possibly do not sign up to any contract that has exit fees until the costs are known.

If you have solar panels or are partially off-grid, this will be a bonus, but for the low user the amount of increase in the unit rate will be of concern.

Don’t forget the January price rise. Average usage of Gas is  11,500 kWh and Elec 2,700 is kWh (medium sized household)  Elec 3,900 kWh for  Economy 7 customers  – varies by region

Should you fix?  Please bear in mind the exit fees for each service gas and electricity.  But as bills go up a small amount in January and April is still uncertain, it is very much a personal choice.

 APRIL 2025

Since writing this the analysts have predicted a rise in April energy prices due to so many uncertainties in the global situation.

An average annual WATER bill from April might be around £486 or £479 showing a 6%  or   £27 increase which, when you consider the number of customers your water company serves, gives them a big increase in funding, with most customers paying monthly.

Remember a lot of broadband and mobile companies have a mid contract rise built in and this kicks in during April – so be prepared for price increases just as we turn off our central heating and hope for lower bills.  If you want a contract without price rises then please contact me.

Whether you are moving or just reviewing, let me help you with the choosing.

Pamela Hatswell, The Shrink,  contact me on